
quick question

so..brad pitt is attractive and stuff...but he's not really that great of an actor. i'm watching seven on tnt and i love this movie but there are some times when pitt just isn't that great. anyone agree..disagree? he's not as bad as keanu reeves ("whoa...excellent!") but still.


Anonymous said...

Brad Pitt: Dim-looking frat boy who doesn't shower enough.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree. I think that sometimes he's lookin good, but not all the time by any means. Plus, I don't usually go for blondes. Oh wait - we were talking about his acting talent, weren't we...? Oops. Point: Pitt may or may not be a good actor, but it's certainly not his primary claim to faim.

Shells said...

brad pitts has his moments for sure: 12 monkeys, both ocean's movies. and the other times he's just nice to look at so who cares. ;-) as for keanu reeves, i still heart him! i was watching matrix reloaded this weekend (it was on tv) and i thought, 'hay, he's pretty hot in that long girly black coat' :-D