
day four...i think

first half of the exam is done. not sure if its done well..but it's definitely finished. part two starts at 5:00 tonight and i have until 5:00 on saturday. i took a break this afternoon and mostly just vegged out and did nothing. probably should have taken a nap since i'm feeling a bit tired now. i did get to bed at 5:00 a.m. after all. but i can say that i wrote something like 40 pages in 3 days. not an easy task.

i've heard from karen that the race and ethnicity part is less scary. :) yay for that!

i'll update again later. :)

half done!


Fr.Dennis said...

You're doing awesome!

Keep up the good work.

SaraJ said...

Think of it this way: you've certainly passed the hardest part, this part should be a breeze!

Go Kate!

Anonymous said...

que sigas en este esfuerzo noble y dificil es un testamento a su caracter impresionante y tambien demuestra que eres tuerco como un toro.
Kate-- this means that you rock. :)