
my weekend was too fun so...

i'm a little behind on posting photos.  i've still been relying mostly on the iPhone for this project.  i like my camera, but it's a bit hard to lug around.  i thought about getting a smaller camera before i went to NYC but it didn't happen.  :)  maybe later.

so in the meantime, here are my photos for the last three days.  the first one is a fun picture of my mom from mother-daughter weekend in october.    she cracks me up.

the second photo is me and my great friend erin at the gap.  we tried on turtlenecks that we liked and then discovered that the collars were giant.  we opted not to get them, but we did look pretty cute.

finally, i took some time yesterday to get my christmas decorations put up (i even listened to christmas music while i was decorating...it was a nice afternoon actually.)  so here's a picture of my little tree.  i even made sure my yoga frogs were in the festive spirit.  :)

i predict my next photo will involve pictures of the first real snow fall for the winter.

okay, my coffee still hasn't kicked in today and i'm having some trouble being articulate.  this was another great weekend and i hate that it's already almost over.  one more week of classes and then finals though!!

1 comment:

Jean said...

Love the festive decor! Also, your mom is adorable. (You and Erin are cute, too. But your mom!)