
baby it's cold outside...

i'm using the below zero windchill as an excuse for not having a new photo to upload today.  i know, not the best excuse since people have been known to take pictures inside.  regardless, i'm out of energy to be creative, so i'm going to post an oldie.

this is a young kate eating a cookie while wearing sweet cookie monster slippers.  :) those are some awesome bangs i've got going on as well.  :)


RT said...

Hi Kate! Thanks for taking part in the December Photo Project!

This pic of you is too cute. I feel like it represents our generation's childhoods... I swear we had the same chairs in our house. LOL.

You were a featured blogger on the DPP homepage all day Friday. Yay!

Clorissa said...

Very cute! I remember having those cookie monster slippers as a child.