
sometimes i hate cell phones and the people using them

so, i'm addicted to coffee. it's sad, but true. i'm convinced i'll work on alleviating the addiction during lent. however, it's not lent yet i was at starbucks this morning before class. i had a tightly configured schedule and only had a few minutes to get coffee and jump back in my car (which needs a name i just realized...i wonder if coffee makes you have ADD?! look a shiny object on my desk. ooooooooooooooooooo!) and get to the academic building on time. so i'm in the very short queue (i'm british today) and some stupid ass woman decided the optimal time to call someone to chit chat about nothing was 2 seconds before it was her turn to order. this meant waiting for her dumbass to realize it was her turn to order, to pay and all of the other normal things you do in line that require at least some of your attention to the register and not to your phone. it made me mad and i blame her for all of society's ill. just kidding...i'm lacking sleep and though coffee perks me up a bit, it's no substitute for some zzz's. anyway, i ended up being 1 minute late to class and thankfully the prof did not punish us for that. anyway, i love my cell phone as much as the next guy. it has a camera. there's a little animated bear that walks around sometimes wearing a cape and a pumpkin head. i can text message people with it. it's shiny................................................................................................................................................................
sorry..got distracted by the shinyness. as much as i like my phone, there are still sometimes when i shouldn't be on it. for example: when i'm next in line at the goddamn coffee shop and coffee addicted sleep deprived grad students are behind me. or anytime i'm driving in college station. or at church. or while getting an eye exam. or while a student is telling me that they think they might drop out of school and go on a shooting spree. there are lots of times when it's just bad manners or dangerous or gross to be on your phone. any thoughts on this? i'd write more but my phone's ringing.

and so shiny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *drool*

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