
so, today is the 14th of february. the day when florists and hallmark and plush animal makers cash in on commercializing people's love lives. it's also the day for those who are not romantically involved to hate the world and all couples. i've learned that a lot of boys hate this holiday, and even though as a girl i get a bit caught up in this stupid holiday, i can see why boys would be P.O.ed during this time of year. i've heard about some women who go nuts if they don't get exactly what they wanted on this day or such things. and corporations start telling you that if you don't buy this or that, "she won't know that you love her" or similar messages like that. if you don't pick the right thing or the right card or the right box of chocolates, then you suck in your relationship. i'm sure this holiday started out as something pure and good and now it's become commercialized and focused on material stuff and all that stuff that doesn't matter. what does matter is letting the people you love know that they are special to you, that you appreciate them, and that you are lucky and blessed to get to share your life with them and visa versa. and those kinds of sentiments are probably expressed in a million tiny ways every day...in a way that can't put money in somebody's pocket. so maybe this day is supposed to remind us that we need to appreciate those people in our lives who lift us up, make us laugh, support us, take care of us, like us for who we are, listen to us, give us a shoulder to cry on, make us smile, etc etc etc. i know that's what this day means to me. sure, it's nice to get a card and some conversation hearts or something like that and i totally appreciate the gifts that i did get. they were awesome! but it's also a time when i reflect on all my wonderful friends and my awesome family and all that they have given me over the years. and i hope that they know how dear they are to my heart, how much they brighten my day, and how grateful i am to have such special people in my life. that means more to me than any amount of flowers or chocolates or anything else...and i hope it does for others as well. in other words, don't be so hard on the guys ladies. this is a hallmark holiday after all, so don't bust their balls today...instead think of the things they do for you every single day to show you that you are cared about. and if you're like me and don't have balls to bust, think about the people in your life that totally rock ass and are there for you when you need it. let's just all put down the chocolate for a second and smile about our cool ass friends. do it, fuckers!

happy VDs. :)


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