
scary bath!

something crazy happened last night. i called mike a "f---ing lesbian feminist" and he called me a "republican dickhead."

what's going on in the universe? are pigs flying? has hell frozen over? something wacky is afoot.

one theory proposed by one of my friends is that i'm being subconsciously influenced by mike vibes now that i live in the town house (known as 205 in new vernacular) and that since i live in a room formerly occupied by mike, that i'm absorbing said vibes. osmosis of evil influence? there is positive influence though too, it's not all evil. i have been cleaning a lot and swearing a great deal and i've been more organized. that's all good stuff.

i'll keep you posted on any more out of the ordinary name-calling. this is certainly the first time i've ever been called a republican dickhead. i wonder if it will be the last?

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