
stymied by a title

i've been meaning to blog for a few weeks now but i could not think of a creative title.  i've consulted my brains, quotations online, and song lyrics by my favorite artists but came up short in all cases.  so i figured i should just get over it and blog.  title be damned!

this semester has been going really well.  classes haven't been too demanding so far.  i have been busy with third year review (which is over...just waiting on feedback) and i got a contract for next year, so i'm happy about that.  i've been wanting to get some scholarship done, but it still hasn't really happened yet.  there have been a number of other things work related that have popped up (like the opportunity to present at a White Privilege Summit this week) which have eaten up some of my time.  getting the dissertation published is on the top of my list right now once i get some to work on it.

things with todd are AWESOME.  we've been together for a little over five months and i'm so very happy.  i still find myself feeling amazed at how compatible we are.  i feel really lucky and blessed to have him in my life.  i could say more but suddenly my brains have stopped functioning correctly.  i'll blame all the love.  :)

1 comment:

Jean said...

Yay, happy Kate! You deserve it!