
triangles are NOT octagons

ags....let's talk about what a yield sign is. a yield sign is NOT a stop sign. it means you slow down and see if there is someone coming down the ramp or lane or whatever and you yield to them if they are in fact there. if no one is there, you go. you don't stop unless you will plow into said car in lane or ramp. no STOPPING! this is not hard. it's the difference between a triangle and an octagon. for your reference....

octagon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_sign

triangle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yield_sign

get it together and stop fuckin' around at 2818 and university. (this rant is probably also supported by mike who knows from experience that you need to differentiate between the two shapes.)


O. Azkue said...

It's nice your blog.
Keep it up!

Bye and good luck

SaraJ said...

No $%^&! Every day I take that stupid ramp up from 2818 to University and every day it's the same, some jackass is parked on the ramp thinking that the person 300 yards away is in the lane, which they are almost always not, but they will wait until almost Christmas just to make sure.
Ahh aggieland traffic, what a lovely thing...