
this is a f*ck

i've been posting a lot about grad school stuff lately, but shit man fuck..i'm graduate school. what the fuck else am i supposed to blog about? :) (damn..lots of f-bombs already!) i've been putting together a reading list for my preliminary exams that will happen sometime in the fall. i'm not done with it yet...still have a lot more to include for my demography section...and it's already 10 pages long. 10 pages of references and books and articles. luckily i've read a lot of it already, which is what is keeping me from dropping my computer off the fourth floor balcony in the academic building or taking a dump outside my committee members doors. (hahaha...no more poop in the hallway..that was just a joke. JOKE!) my hope is that my committee members will not be pure evil and add a ton more to my lists, but they could. this is academic hazing after all. can't they just grode me or shave my head or something? :)

going to ABQ this weekend and looking forward to it. w00t!


SaraJ said...

Kate, it is academic hazing. And we foolishly are PAYING for it.
How's that swift kick in the crotch?!

Anonymous said...

i just felt i had to contribute a CRAP BOOBS CRAP! to that whole ramble. :-D