
random thoughts

so yesterday i was driving to school and heard an advertisement on the radio that you could go to a brake place and they would do a visual inspection for free. correct me if i'm wrong, but a visual inspection? doesn't that just mean that they will use their eyes to look at your brakes? other places charge for that? "yep, you got brakes. saw that you stopped when you got here so they must be working since you didn't crash through the office....that'll be $29.95." weird. maybe the charge for aural break inspections?

my other random thought when i was in my car later that day was that it has been two years since my ex-boyfriend and i parted ways in the relationship realm. mind you, i was not mourning that fact...it just occurred to me that two years ago a bunch of shit went down. the crazy thing that i couldn't seen then but could see not too long after is that that event set me on an awesome path that i wouldn't be on had circumstances been different. i moved back to texas, reconnected with great friends, and met a bunch of great new people. i get to work with one of the most respected professors in my field. i'm going to get my Ph.D. soon (i hope!) and there are some other things that i won't put on here, but are still really good. i'm not the best catholic in the world (*father dennis chortles at this point*), but things like make me realize that god is at work in my life. from a really crappy time two years ago, so much great stuff ended up happening. makes me feel good about what's coming up. even if life doesn't happen like my planny brain has in mind, who knows what good things might happen anyway?

by the way, this is a great story about my roommates: http://www.theeagle.com/aandmnews/051405graduation.php

1 comment:

SaraJ said...

Ya know, I never thought about the break thing. What dumbasses!!