
great weekend

after a very stressful school year, i got to wrap it up with a great weekend! i started thinking the other day about this year and just how crazy it has been. nuttiness with jobs, health scares with my family, friends moving on to new adventures, varying motivation to do school work, and so on and so forth. this has been a trying school year in a number of ways. so, it was nice to spend some time with a person who has helped me out so many times this year.

i found dave attell tickets a few months ago and bought them as a way to say thanks to mike for all the times he's bailed me out this year. we had a great weekend. stayed at a cool hotel in downtown houston (http://www.magnoliahotelhouston.com/) and ate at a really good restaurant that is becoming one of my all-time favorites (http://www.caferedonion.com/). we went to see dave attell on saturday night. you'll recognize dave for the show insomniac on comedy central. his humor is very crash and crude and f'in hilarious. :) (unless you're on the blue collar comedy tour..then you might not think he's so funny) it was all great! and we got to hang out with his parents a lot and eat good food and catch up with his sister who just got back from italy. all in all a very good weekend and a great way to end a somewhat insane year! sorry that i didn't win the texas lottery and couldn't take all of you out on the town to say thanks for helping me out this year. i appreciate all my friends so much. those of you who live in texas will get some beers from me next time we go to northgate (which should be soon! this weekend!!). those of you who don't live in texas, um...i love you guys. :) come visit and i'll buy you beers. ;) seriously though, thanks to everyone.

the other good news is that my brother and sister-in-law have officially brought my new nephew to the U.S. from Russia and they are all happy and healthy and catching up on sleep! this adoption process has been a long one and we all can't wait to meet luke. :) (he's the cutest baby ever!)

goofy looking kate and dave attell.  Posted by Hello

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