
kate is old(e)...the extra e makes it older

so, my birthday was yesterday and now i'm 29, my last year of my 20s. one of my friends gave me crap the other day and said something like: "29? shouldn't you be married and have kids and have a career by now." no, i didn't kick him in the nuts, but i used to think that i would have all that stuff by this age. i have to say though, that i'm pretty happy with the choices i've made so far and the places i've gone. in a few years (hopefully two) i'll have my ph.d. which is a great accomplishment. and like my mom tells me all the time, everything has a way of working out...including all that family, marriage, career stuff. so even though i'm a year older now and not exactly where i thought i'd be, i can't complain too much at all. :) i have great friends, a wonderful family, an assistantship i really like, and i'm getting close to finishing a major goal of mine.

thanks for all the thoughts and warm wishes for the b'day yesterday. *hugs*

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