
diet cherry vanilla guava kiwi strawberry lemon donut dr. pepper

i haven't posted in a while. i've been busy though so screw off. :) just kidding faithful reader(s?). i turned 29 (*gasp*), got sick, pretty much settled into my new room (only to decide to move to the one down the hall in a week or so), got less sick, visited a friend in houston, and then went to visit mikepants in albuquerque. got back yesterday and worked and then went to pick up one of my oldest and best friends': father flatulence...i mean dennis. i've known dennis since i had a huge crush on him in early morning band gym class (yes, band geeks in our high school had their own gym class...probably so we wouldn't get our asses beat playing floor hockey by the 'jocks' or have them shove our tubas up places where tubas don't belong). now i no longer have a crush on dennis (he's a priest and like my brother! god! IDIOTS! that was ala napoleon dynamite for those of you not in the cult following yet. get 'er done!) but he's still one of my closest peeps. he's also the most hilarious priest i know. i'm pretty sure he asked me if i was foaming at the ass earlier today (it was rabies related...no, i don't have rabies). he also inspired the subject line above when i offered him a diet cherry vanilla dr. pepper. and now he's telling me about the minute and a half long fart he just ripped in my bathroom (even more reason to move to the room down the hall and have my own bathroom that has not been tainted by dennis and his potent ass). he's here visiting me for a week which is so cool! we're going to f--- around college station this week (if you know of fun things to do let me know) and then go to houston and galveston this weekend. should be good times.

peace out ya'll guys.

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