
doorknob ankle cold

yeah, i'm a little bit tipsy. that happens with you drink beer and wine with a priest...or just drink beer and wine with anyone probably. i thought it would be a good idea to post a tipsy kate message. i'm a little more tipsy than i would usual be at this point because i'm a touch sleep deprived.

i've been having a great time with dennis in town. he's so hilarious. i'm pretty sure earlier tonight we were talking about pea poop or something like that. email me and i can explain...if you dare.

uh...so what else? um, just chillin' and feeling happy that i have such awesome and hilarious friends. also, i have onion breath from the sandwich i had earlier.

this week has raised a lot of interesting questions:
1. is "cookie biter" a derogatory phrase?
2. can my hair get greyer?
3. why do you work really hard to poop sometimes and then it's just a tiny little poop and you feel like you used every muscle in your body to get that bitch out (that was dennis' question actually)
4. why is it 70 degres one day in texas and 45 degrees and rainy the next? wtf?!
5. why am i still in school? why do i always have senioritist "i'm sick of reading shit" attitude in the spring but not in the fall?

that's enough questions. time for nightly shower (i'm a night showerer now. it's buck wild) and to get some sleep.

check out the link posted up there thanks to a sexy nerd who saved it. it makes me laugh and stuff, as does said sexy nerd. aww yeah.


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