
crazy evangelical vet trip

so, i needed to take niles to the vet on friday to get his shots updated and so he could enjoy the experience of a thermometer up his rear. he hung in there pretty well, but did eventually get pretty POed. and, strangely, so did i. :) the trip for us didn't start out well anyways. i was told on the reminder postcard that they sent me and on the phone when i made the appointment that i needed to bring a fresh stool sample. it was supposed to be a couple of hours old. a relatively fresh sample if you will. well, remarkably, i don't have a lot of time or the inclination to stalk niles until he shits in his shithouse so i can scoop it up and put it in a bag. however, being the good pet owner that i am, i went ahead and scooped out what i believed to be new poops and put them in a baggie. (definately not the highlight of the day). come to find out at the appointment that they didn't need me to do that, because they don't need to do that particular test and the prefer to get the sample from him on the spot if they need it. so, yeah...i got to carry little cat poopies around in a baggie in my purse for no reason. excellent.

so, then, the vet comes in and gives niles his shots and then gives me some too. tunrs out he's a vet/nutritionist/evangelical advise giver. found out that i shouldn't be giving up my cat, majoring in sociology, moving to texas, etc etc. i'm sure he was trying to be a nice grandfatherly figure in my life and yet, i didn't ask. all i really needed him to do was take care of niles. needless to say i won't be going back there, both because i really hope that i can find niles a good home soon and because i want my vet to be a vet instead of criticize choices that i've made, etc etc.

i get to go to iowa in a few days. can't wait!!

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