
early to bed

mike and i are trying a new experiment this week, which has to do with going to bed earlier. earlier means 10:30. i'm betting that's pretty close to mike's usual bed time, but for me, the night owl, that's really early!!! the idea is that more sleep helps you lose weight, so we'll see how it works. also, getting to bed earlier means getting up earlier, which means getting more accomplished towards the lofty goals i set in my last post. PLUS, i should get on a normal schedule since i'll be in a real job before i know it.

so wish me luck. i'm wondering if i'll need a nightcap to actually feel tired at 10:30 tonight. :D


Timmie Smith said...

So if more sleep helps you lose weight, shouldn't you go to bed earlier and sleep later? Getting up early after going to bed early doesn't equal more sleep.

Getting up early definately helps productivity though. I get more accomplished between 7am and noon than I do from noon to 11pm. Good luck with the goals.

Fr.Dennis said...

So you and Mike are trying the "early to bed, early to rise, makes a (person) healthy, wealthy, and wise" philosophy of life?