
ah...the rivalry

so i'm in texas recruiting people to participate in my dissertation research. i've been really fortunate because a number of faculty members here have allowed me to talk to their classes about the research in order to get in touch with students who might be willing to do an interview. i have a lot of names so far and hopefully some or most of them will actually follow through.

in one class, the professor announced me and that i was from A&M, which at this particular school is a strike against me. i always make fun of myself a bit and assure them that i'm coming at this research from an objective standpoint and won't be calling the university TU or bleeding maroon all over them. when i was done with my usual spiel, i handed out flyers and two sign-up sheets to the class. as those were going around, the prof proceeds to tell two stories about bad experiences he's had with aggies in the past and how that has shaped his (and his family's) impression of them. now, i will be the first to admit that aggies can have their moments, especially when interacting with austinites. it can get ugly. it can even be dumb. but i was a bit frustrated that this was the moment he told those stories. i'm trying to build some credibility and get undergrads from our rival school to trust me enough to give me an hour or two of their time...and stories from their professor about how aggies are dumb does not help my cause.

so...even as a grad student, trying to do my dissertation research with the assistance of my future colleagues...i encounter the rivalry. and it was dumb and ugly.


SaraJ said...

Damn... sorry chick. That sucks

Fr.Dennis said...

That does it. I'm getting in my pickup truck and going to beat the hell out of that professor. What's his name? Professor Sissy Pants? Or Professor Alotta Vaghina?

Saw Varisity's Horns off!!!

The good thing is that another rivalry, Iowa/Iowa State, was put on hold as Cyclones reached out to our interstate rival to help them rebuild after tornadoes went through their town. Poor Hawkeyes.

Shells said...

you should just have phizil hack him or something crazy! :-D miss you on the east coast.