
yes we can!!!!

i'll admit that though i was interested in politics in the past and definitely upset about the outcomes of the 2000 and 2004 elections, i did not follow them or get as involved as i should have. this time around, i paid more attention. talked about it more. informed myself on the issues. voted early. and prayed with cautious optimism that we would get the change that this country so desperately needs. overjoyed is an understatement for what my friends and i felt as we watched from seats in a movie theatre as the electoral votes climbed for obama. though it wasn't a large crowd on the democratic side at mindframe theatre, it was still amazing to cheer and yell and shout our praise at the screen as barack obama became our new president. (it was also fun to know that we outnumbered the republican side, though that might have been because the nature of the theatre itself....all those crazy indie films.)

as my optimism transformed from cautious to overwhelming, i found myself unable to contain my emotion. this was truly a remarkable day in our history. i knew it would be huge of obama won, but i'm not sure i had fully thought through what this decision, by our country, really means. people came out in record numbers to make their voices heard. that alone is moving, to know that so many people were motivated to make change and to cast their vote. to see what a landslide it ended up being was nothing short of incredible. our world is different now than it was before. that does not mean that inequality is instantly eradicated or that racism has been eliminated. but it does mean that something has happened in this country for the first time ever. and that is phenomenal. my nieces and nephew live in a world where they will grow up knowing that the white house isn't named that because only white people have been president. we do have a long way to go in so many respects, but this was such a major step for our nation and for our world. it's hard to even articulate what this means to me as someone who studies race and ethnicity and cares so deeply about issues of inequality. hopefully as this sinks in and i have some more time to process this, i will be able to more articulately express the enormity of what this means for us all. but what i can tell you is that i am filled with so much joy and hope, which continues to manifest itself tonight in tears of pure happiness and wonderment.

what a fantastic day for our nation! i pray we can come together as a country and not be divided. i pray for the safety of our new leader and his family and for his continued wisdom as he (we all) face major challenges. i pray that this message of tolerance and unity will not just be surface level, but instead we really will come together, take care of each other, and make this country a better place.

time for some champagne...and some restful sleep knowing that we changed the world today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable night, truly!