
one more concert faux pas

it's really not necessary to yell "freebird" more than one time during a show. maybe its not even necessary to yell it once. not sure, but this lends some insight: http://ask.yahoo.com/20070607.html

some jackass kept yelling it last night at bob. good lord dude. give it up. it's just not funny.

1 comment:

SaraJ said...

I love how this happens everywhere. Like Hong Kong. At a hole in the wall bar with some non-descript guy with a guitar on a stool... your average wanker walks by and yells "Freebird". And, since it's very near the escalators and there are a boat load of people on the escalators at 8pm on Friday night, every 4th person it seems just must do this. If there is anything more irritating than hearing "Freebird" screamed inside the bar, it's getting it from people passing by outside. All I gotta say is "free the bird shot".