
spinning in my chair

so work has been really really slow this week. we had a project to work on, but because we were so efficient, it was taken away from us until monday. turns out technology could not keep up with us and we were breaking/overloading/crashing the server which meant a whole host of other people couldn't do any work. thank goodness a new server is being installed tonight and we have a huge stack of work to do that has piled up in the interim. i know..its sick and wrong to wish for work...but it is very boring to have nothing to do. i'm reduced to reading the undergraduate catalog. very exciting stuff. luckily it did spark a few ideas for our program, so that's a good thing.

in the meantime, i implore my friends with blogs to update those suckers so i have something more entertaining to read than degree requirements for the school of management. if you don't have a blog, make one immediately...or email me. :)

in other news, i think i'm almost over the cold i got from some crazy boy. i haven't coughed up my lungs that often today which i'm taking as a good sign. thanks sleep and nyquil.

peace out kids. have a great weekend.


Fr.Dennis said...

Couldn't you have called the same boy that gave you the cold and got him to fix the server?

Timmie Smith said...

Dennis, no, you couldn't have called that boy to fix the server. You could have called him to hack it, and to help break it more.