
grading stuff led to deep thoughts

i've been getting a sneak preview of my future life as a prof this week. i've been grading marriage and family exams for the past 3 days or so. someday i'll be dr. kate and i'll be paying some crazy poor grad student (or undergrad) to grade stuff for me. :) grading isn't too bad in general. these exams are especially interesting because they've been writing about how women have to choose between career and family a lot of the time, or in sociology speak...they veer towards or veer away from domesticity. some of their insights about that subject are really interesting and some of them scare the pants off me. not in the usual way that you might expect if you've graded undergraduate essays before. inevitably there is one or two that goes on a moral tirade instead of actually answering the question that's being asked of them. sort of a "wwjd" response to an exam question. so far there haven't been any of those in this set. instead, they just keep writing about how when women choose the career path, it's hard to choose the family path. the longer i'm in graduate school the more i wonder if this track really will lead me to being that crazy cat lady in the future who has a lot of publications and a lot of litter boxes. i'm not convinced that ph.d. women are destined for that path. i just hope that it's possible to have it all. sara and i have been talking about the lack of role models we find in our graduate lives of women who get to have a fulfilling career and a family life too. crazy veering. :) i'm pretty sure there's some research to be done here. don't steal it from me bastards! we can co-author it. word!

in other news, i'm kinda bummed because one of my favorite local websites has crapped itself. it was http://www.aggielandmenus.info totally rad site! you could look up pretty much any restaurant in town and they would provide a menu, as well as contact info and some places you could even order online. it was great and i hope that it will come back to us.

well, it's 2:03 a.m. and i almost reached my goal of grading 30 exams since 9 p.m. just 5 short but it's bed time. night yo!

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